1. Christian Persecution in India. 2. Pray for Nigeria Elections. 3. Update on Turkey. 4. Praise Report: Nadarkharni released from Iran Prison 1. Christian Persecution in India: A Growing Threat…
PRAYER UPDATES: China, Ukraine & Belarus
1. Pray for China. Operation World is focusing on prayer for China this month.China has been looked upon with fear as a global power and with suspicion since the pandemic…
Prayer focus in Easter: Ukraine & Akel Dama/ ‘Ramadan & Easter’
1. Ukraine’s Fields of Blood. The news from the Ukraine war in the past weeks highlighted gruesome events involving civilian killings including innocent children, women and the elderly in ‘Fields…
War in Ukraine – Urgent Prayer Needed
The World woke up to the news this morning that Russian Forces has invaded Ukraine and that there are explosions and fighting in many areas. The Nation of Ukraine is…
Prayer for the Hindu World
15 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World! There are over 1 Billion Hindus who need to hear the Gospel. “80% of all unreached Hindus may never have the opportunity…
Prayer For The Persecuted Christians.
First Words of the Ascended Lord: Have you ever read the first recorded words of Jesus after He ascended to the Father in Heaven? His words were not to the…
Prayer for the Persecutors
“I was formerly a Persecutor!” Last month’s focus on Prayer for the Persecuted Christians highlighted the first words of the Ascended Lord to Saul the ‘Persecutor.’ This month we focus…
Update: South Sudan and C.A.R
“Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it…” Colossians 4:2. South Sudan: The situation is still volatile and we must continue to pray that violence will cease and unity will…
Escalating Persecution for AG Churches in Iran
Dr. George O. Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God (USA) and chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship representing more than 63 million members, has called church…