Population: 150,000,000
Capital: Dhaka
Religion: Muslim 85.63%, Hindu 12.38%, Christian 0.72% Buddhist0.62% Traditional ethnic 0.57%, non religious/other 0.08%.
Major Languages: Bangla(Bengali), Chittagonian, Sylheti(There are 35 languages spoken in Bangladesh)
a) “Bengali people are by far the largest unreached people group in the world”(Operation World)
b) Sylhetti Bengali’s are one of the least evangelized people group with a population of 7 million.
C Even the New Testament is not available in the Sylheti language
For a harvest among the youth and for more mission workers to have the heart to reach out and adhere the truth of the gospel in the nation of Bangladesh.Please pray for the many children who encounter medical problems due to living in poverty. May the Lord restore them to health and allow them to continue to experience the joy of
being a child.