Seekers will Find!
“Seek, and you will find!” Matthew 7:7 Jesus gave this amazing promise primarily to His Children who pray. But it also includes a broader category of people and groups who…
“Seek, and you will find!” Matthew 7:7 Jesus gave this amazing promise primarily to His Children who pray. But it also includes a broader category of people and groups who…
PRAYING FOR BREAKTHROUGHS! In prayer, we engage in activity in the unseen realm.This is why Jesus said, “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to…
In this Prayer Circular: 1. The Tale of Two Worlds. The story of Acts 10 depicts a tale of two different worlds during the early Church period. First, the Gentile…
Muslims worldwide gather to fast and pray during Ramadan, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. During each of its 30 days, Muslims are obligated to fast from…
The Untold Story of Europe: “Deeply Rooted.” Europe suffered two of the most disastrous wars in the 20th Century that almost destroyed itself. World War I cost more than 8…
THE AFRICAN CONTINENT: Population: 1,494,993,924 % Urban: 43.9 % Languages: 2,110 % Christian: 48.8 % % Evangelical: 17.7 % Largest Religion: Christian % Largest Religion: 48.8 % “I am a…
In February, we will continue to pray for the world by focusing on different regions and religions. As we pray, we must first have God’s perspective of the World and…
In reviewing ‘THE STATE OF THE GREAT COMMISSION,’ we continue to pray this week again for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the following areas: HOW CAN WE DISCIPLE…
Will it ever be accomplished? Here we are, 2000 years after the Great Commission was given, with all the resources, equipment, technology, strategies, and plans, but still only 1/3 of…
Introduction: The State of the Great Commission. This week, we begin praying for the World and the accomplishment of the Great Commission.We will share information on the ‘State of the…
Exceeding Expectations in 2025! We wish all our Intercessors a Blessed New Year and thank you for your partnership in Intercession for Missions. We are in another exciting year of…
1. A Christmas without a ‘Christ!’ Christmas is the most celebrated festival in the world, with over 160 countries celebrating it religiously, culturally, as a public holiday, and commercially. However,…
Translation is available for Prayer Circulars in over 100 Languages.Traducción disponible para Circulares de Oración en español: Ver más abajo.Traduction disponible pour les circulaires de prière en français : Voir…
Three Miracles in Syria. What is happening in Syria Today? The Biblical accounts of Syrian miracles and encounters are more numerous than those of any other neighboring nations of Israel.…
In December, we celebrate the coming of the Savior of the World.Heaven’s immediate task after Christ’s birth was sending Angels to Evangelize (Gr. Eungleizo) – bring the ‘Good News’ to…
We share multiple prayer needs in Missions for the nations of Tunisia, Nigeria, Turkey and Pakistan, from various sources. Please take some time to pray for these troubled nations and…
We are pleased to link you with this excellent resource for praying for the Unreached Nations, published by the ‘Embrace the Nations’ Ministry. Click Here to Download the Prayer Guide.
Why Intercession During Elections? 2024 is called the Year of Elections! Elections have been held worldwide in more than 100 countries this year, covering nearly half of the global population.…
In the next two weeks, we will join a special prayer initiative for the HINDU WORLD coordinated by the ‘International Prayer Connect.’ Please join us using the resources below to…
Thank you for praying for the 7th World Missions Congress in Kenya last week. There were 1,200 participants from 75 nations who joined in this historic event! We believe your…
1,200 Leaders from 75 Nations are coming together in Nairobi, Kenya. Pray for the World Missions Congress. Please Pray for this significant global event organized by the Missions Commission of…
A Significant Global Event! The Seventh World Missions Congress of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF) is held every 2-3 years to inspire, motivate, and mobilize the AG National…
The International Prayer Connect and World Prays invite you to join millions around the world in praying for America on Sunday, September 22nd. Download the Flyer + Prayer Pointers in 8…
Begins 5 Days from Now! Here is the Global Concert of Prayer 2024 schedule beginning from GMT +12 hrs on the 16th of September.You can join us by watching this on: Please…
Participating in a Global Revival & Awakening. Unlike the everyday use of a ‘concert’ as something you watch, like a musical performance, the word ‘concert’ has a broader meaning: Agreement,…
Get Ready for the 50 Hours of Prayer Around the Globe! For more details: Click Here for Resources.
In 1979, James M. Webber wrote this parable in an essay, and here is a summarized version of it: Once upon a time, an apple grower of a 10,000-acre orchard…
What did Jesus really express in His statement: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’ Matthew 9:37 Jesus makes this identical statement on two occasions, raising many…
Two weeks ago, Super Typhoon Gaemi began as a tropical storm that intensified rapidly, leaving a trail of destruction across the Philippines.Yet, it could not stop the synergy and power of…
Qu’est-ce que l’Asie du Sud ? L’Asie du Sud comprend 7 nations autour du sous-continent indien : l’Inde, le Bangladesh, le Pakistan, le Népal, le Sri Lanka, le Bhoutan et…
¿Qué es el sur de Asia? El sur de Asia está formado por 7 naciones alrededor del subcontinente de la India, que son: India, Bangladesh, Pakistán, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bután…
What is South Asia? South Asia consists of 7 nations around the sub-continent of India which are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Maldives. Some include Afghanistan as…
The Middle East lies at the juncture of Africa and Eurasia and of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is the birthplace and spiritual center of religion such as: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Manichaeism, Yezidi, Druze, Yarsan, and Mandeanism, and in Iran, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheanism, and the Baháʼí Faith.…
Introduction to MENA (Middle East and North Africa Region) A. The Nations of MENA: The following countries are normally included in MENA: MIDDLE EAST: Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,…
Pray for the travel mercies for all the leaders travelling from the various parts of the world. Pray the success of the event.
What is a people group? “For evangelization purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of…
¡El sexto día de la Creación y el día 27 del segundo mes del año 601 de Noé fueron dos días importantes para el planeta Tierra! ¡Cada vez, había una…
Le 6ème jour de la Création et le 27ème jour du 2ème mois de la 601ème année de Noé furent deux jours importants pour la planète Terre ! À chaque…
The 6th day of Creation and the 27th day of the 2nd month of Noah’s 601st year were two significant days for the planet Earth!Each time, there stood one family…
1. A Pseudo Pentecost? Do we have the Real Pentecost? May is the month of Pentecost when the Church focuses on the coming of the Spirit. We draw our attention…
Introduction. In Deuteronomy 9, God’s reveals His destiny for Israel in 3 specific areas:The Nations, Cities, and Giants! Hear, O Israel: You are to cross over the Jordan today, and…
Facing the Giants in the Land. When Israel was about to conquer the Promise land, one of the challenges that caused their setback was the negative report of the 10…
This Easter season, especially on Good Friday, we remember the Lord who was put on trial by at 3 courts; the Jewish Council, the Roman Governor Pilate, and the royal…
God loves Muslims. He loves them SO much that He sent Jesus to earth who lived a perfect life, and give His own life as the perfect sacrifice for their…
Resources and Tools for 30 Days of Prayer for Ramadan: The Remaining Task in Religious Blocks. The Remaining Task can be understood and accomplished by focusing on it from ‘Religious’…
In 2024 we continue focusing prayer on the ‘Remaining Task’ since the Great Commission has become a Great ‘Omission’ due to following reasons: The Great Imbalance: This week we look…
The Largest Human Migration on the Plant – Over 400 Million People traveling during Lunar New Year! Praying for a Holy Spirit Move among Chinese People: The first ever Pentecostal…
Vision of planting 1 million Churches by 2033. We present to you a podcast message from Rev. Dominic Yeo, the Chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship encouraging leaders…
Only 17% of the Church can explain what the ‘Great Commission’ means!83% of the Church does not know what it means! As we focus on the Remaining Task of the…
More Christians may have heard of the ‘Israel-Gaza war’ than of the ‘Great Commission!’ In 2017, the Barna Group conducted a study of the U.S. Church’s ideas about missions, and…
1. A Psalm of Blessing for the New Year! “May God be merciful to us and bless us,And cause His face to shine upon us,That Your way may be known on…
Praying Missionally amidst war and destruction. “God brings wars to an end all over the world. He breaks the arrows, shatters the spears, and burns the shields.” (Psalm 46:9) A.…
We are joining with others across the globe to pray for the Hindu World from October 29th to November 15th.
MADRID — Thanks for your prayers that the 9th congress ended successfully by the Divine Providence. Thousands of leaders from Assemblies of God national fellowships throughout the world had gathered…
9TH WORLD ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CONGRESS The Assemblies of God World Congress has commenced with the Executive Council and the General Assembly Meetings already being held today! The Congress will continues from Thursday to Saturday…
Pray for the ‘Shine Congress’ The World Assemblies of God Fellowship is the largest Pentecostal Fellowship in the world currently having more than 160 National Councils & Organizations.Its purpose is…
This month we continue to pray for Missions in Africa. The Chairman of the Africa Pentecostal Missions Dr. Arto Hämäläinen sends this report and requests prayer for the Missions initiatives…
1. WAGF Shine Congress – Madrid – October 12-14. The Leaders from around the World from the World Assemblies of God Fellowship are coming together for the 9th World Congress…
WHAT IS NORTH AFRICA LIKE? North Africa has massive mountain ranges dominating much of Morocco and Algeria, vast fertile valleys yielding vegetables, fruit, and grains, and the Sahara in the…
Awakening the ‘Christian Continent’ to Missions! Population: 1,460,481,772 % Urban: 43.9 % Languages: 2,110 Countries: 53 % Christian: 48.8 % % Evangelical: 18% UPGs. 867 Christians: Over 700 Million…
Join in 50 Hours of Prayer with Nations around the Globe! Live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV. Join live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV.
The Global Concert of Prayer organized by the World Assemblies of God Fellowship will begin on Tuesday 22nd August and will continue for 50 hours of prayer for Revival. This…
Prayer Focus in August: Week 2. 1. Prayer for Japan – Part 2. 2. Global Concert of Prayer: Your Part in the GCOP: Read More. Prayer for Japan: 1. The…
AUGUST PRAYER FOCUS: 1. Prayer for Japan. 2. Global Concert of Prayer – ‘Fires of Revival’ 3. Praise Report: Asia Pacific Missions Congress: Prayer for Japan. Japan is One of…
In prison for his faith, Indian Pastor Subhash shared the Gospel with 12 other inmates. “Eleven believed, so I taught them how to pray,” he said. Pastor Subhash and these…
1. PRAY FOR THE ASIA PACIFIC MISSIONS CONGRESS THIS WEEK! Please PRAY for this important event happening this week in Singapore. See Prayer Requests for this: 2. FOCUS ON THE…
In the month of July we will focus prayer of the Asia Pacific Region and pray for the Assemblies of God Churches and Missionary endeavors. This region includes nations in…
1. Preparing the Next Generation for Revival! a. How Satan wanted to take the Next Generation in Europe. “He alone, who holds the youth, gains the future” said Hitler…
The Prophetic Prayer for the Coming Revival in Europe. 1. The Walls of Secularism are Coming Down! “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” announced President Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall, JUNE…
The Spiritual Strongholds in Secularism. This week we continue with part 2 of understanding the Impact of Secularism in Europe. Impact of Secularism on Europe cannot be evaluated only by…