MADRID — Thanks for your prayers that the 9th congress ended successfully by the Divine Providence. Thousands of leaders from Assemblies of God national fellowships throughout the world had gathered this week in Madrid for the Ninth World Assemblies of God Congress (WAGC). The WAGC was the triennial gathering of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF).
The theme SHINE!, encourages leaders to rise in the midst of cultural darkness to let the glory of God shine through them. Central to the message of the event is the MM33 (His Mission Our Mandate, 2033) initiative. MM33 represents the collaborative effort of the World Assemblies of God to engage in the greatest work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting the world has ever seen.
Event organizer and general superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Spain, Juan Carlos Escobar, said, “It is a call to all leaders and workers of the Assemblies of God who are committed to the call of God to fulfil the mission. This leader’s gathering will cause a great spiritual impact which will initiate a new period in the history of the WAGF.”
The triennial event was cancelled in March 2020 during COVID lockdown, making this the first WAGC in six years. The WAGC features more than 40 speakers, many of whom are the national leaders of the Assemblies of God within their nation. More than 3,500 leaders from nations throughout the world have registered to attend.

For the first time, the WAGC features both a Next Generation Congress intended to unite the next generation for evangelism and to address pressing issues affecting global youth.

Delegates at the World Assemblies of God General Assembly in Madrid, Spain voted to elect Dominic Yeo as its new chairman. Yeo serves as the general superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Singapore. In 2017, Yeo was elected as secretary for the World AG Congress.
Doug Clay was elected as vice chairman of the WAGF. Clay has served as general superintendent of the U.S. Assemblies of God since 2017.

Juan Carlos Escobar, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Spain, was elected to the position of secretary of the WAGF.
For the next decade, MM33 will become a major focus for the WAGF. Aligning with 2033, approximately 2000 years from the Resurrection of Jesus, MM33 seeks to make “His Mission Our Mandate.” MM33 represents the collaborative effort of the World Assemblies of God to engage in the greatest work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting the world has ever seen.
“Psalm 133 promises a great blessing when believers are in unity,” Clay says. “That’s a blessing that’s clear to see on the WAGF Executive Committee when leaders from nations around the world cooperate to fulfil the Great Commission.”