In the month of July we will focus prayer of the Asia Pacific Region and pray for the Assemblies of God Churches and Missionary endeavors. This region includes nations in the South East Asia and the Pacific.
We also want to mobilize prayer especially for the first Missions Congress of the AP Region held in July and for the leadership of AG Nations.
Overview of Asia Pacific Region:
- Countries: 40.
- Unreached People Groups: 1,132.
- Total Population: 936,802,000.
- AG Constituency: 6.2 Million.
- AG Churches: 35,000.
- AG Ministers: 34,540.

Watch the Video: The Never Reached.
Pray for Missions in Asia Pacific.
- Pray for the Missions vision of the AG Churches in Region.
- Pray for the Missions Leaders and National Leaders of AP.
- Pray for restricted Nations in this Region that the Gospel will penetrate to each nation.
- Pray for the Unreached People Groups.
- Pray for the Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu Nations of this Region.
- Pray for more laborers and missionaries to be released.

Pray for Asia Pacific Missions Congress: 20-21 July, 2023.
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