Facing the Giants in the Land.
When Israel was about to conquer the Promise land, one of the challenges that caused their setback was the negative report of the 10 Spies:
‘But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified.
Numbers 13:28 NLT.
We even saw giants there!”
Yet, right behind those intimidating giants was their ‘Promise Land’ which God was to give them as their inheritance.
Ever since then, every generation of God’s people encountered the challenge of Giants.
Today, as the Global Church surveys the task of World Evangelization to finish the Great Commission, Giants still stand out there, seeming to intimidate the Mission of God.
Yet, right behind them is “our Inheritance.“
‘Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession. ‘
Psalm 2:8
Facing Two Modern-day Giants of Nations.

If the Great Commission is to be accomplished today, out of the 10 Countries with largest populations, 2 great Nations stands out like giants who we must face.
Therefore, this month of April we focus prayer on India and China – the 2 giants which must be conquered.

Who can Stand before the Giants?
You’ve heard the saying, ‘Who can stand up to the Anakites?’ ‘
Deuteronomy 9:2
This question was answered by a shepherd boy from Bethlehem Judah.
Nearly 500 years ago, long before any Protestant or Evangelical Missions God raised a missionary to confront these 2 Goliath nations.
Francis Xavier, a young Spanish Catholic priest of the ‘Society of Jesus’ Missionary movement travelled to India to take the Gospel of Christ to India in 1541. After serving there for 8 years, he sailed to Japan where he set up a mission desiring to go to China.
In 1552, he set sail to begin the first Christian mission in China.
When he arrived, however, he was not allowed to disembark on the Mainland and he waited for three months on an island off Canton trying to gain entry into the country. He died on the island of an acute illness at the age of forty-six.
St. Xavier ranks among the greatest missionaries in Christian history and historians place the number of his baptisms somewhere between 30,000 to 100,000 people.
He laid the foundation for the modern Missions to face the giants of India and China.
God is looking for Davids even today who are willing to stand in Intercession for these 2 Nations!
The Two Giants: