Prayer for Ramadan.
A record number of Christians Globally were involved in praying for the Muslim World during this year’s Ramadan Season. We praise God for the renewed interest and passionate Intercession expressed by many Churches and movements around the World.
We Praise God for this movement of Prayer and for all who joined this effort.
The First “WORLD SENDER’S” Summit – Minnesota, USA.

Praise God for the upcoming Historical Gathering of over 150 Missions Leaders from World Assemblies of God Fellowship Connected Churches. This first-ever AG ‘Senders Summit’ brings together Old and New Missionary senders to develop a partnership and synergy to finish the Great Commission under the Theme: “Finishing the Task Together!”
According to Brad Walz, the Chairman of the WAGF Missions Commission, “Never have we attempted to get all 107 ‘New Senders’ missions directors plus strategic leaders together for 3 days in such a Summit.” Praise God, this is happening in May from 16-20th in Minnesota USA.
We request prayer for this historic summit and Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this meeting which will mobilize every AG National Council to become Sending Nations so that the Gospel will be preached “From Everyone from Everywhere.”
“How shall they Preach unless They are SENT?”
Romans 10:20
Africa Pentecostal Missions Consultation – Nairobi Kenya.

The Africa Pentecostal Mission Consultation (APMC) gathered over 140 Pentecostal national and mission leaders together from 14 countries in Nairobi 11-14 April 2023.
The theme of this consultation was “Mobilizing to Reach the Unreached.”
According to their report, continental Pentecostal mission networks representing Asia, Europe, and Latin America offered reflection for intercontinental collaboration with Africa.
The Chairman of Africa Pentecostal Missions, Dr. Arto Hämäläinen reports that the aim is that every Pentecostal denomination and mission in Africa would be involved in World Missions by sending missionaries and involved in the holistic missions.
Some countries like Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Ivory Coast have sent a considerably high number of Missionaries to different African countries and even beyond. The goal is that every church would send at least one missionary which would mean an increase of thousands in world missions.
The testimonies in the consultation confirmed that this kind of willingness is growing among African Pentecostals.

The APM collaborates with the Africa Assemblies of God Alliance (AGA) in regular Prayer and Missions mobilization programs.
Visit: APM Website