The People in Ukraine are crying “Please Close the Skies.”
The Ukrainian President’s repeated appeal to the UK Parliament, to NATO allies, and the US Congress has been, “Please Close the Skies”
Refugees fleeing Ukraine to other nations are crying: “Please close the Skies.”
- Why are the Skies so Important?
- “As it is in the Skies, so it shall be on earth!”
- Who can Close the Skies?
- Who can open the Skies?
- Can Intercessors make a difference in the Skies?
In this Circular, we share some vital Spiritual Principles which can guide your Intercession for Ukraine.
To Read More: Please Click Here.
Prayer Points and News from Nations Receiving Refugees:

News and Prayer Requests from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Romania and other nations.
(To skip the Circular and go direct to prayer Points: Please Click Here)
Please Forward this Prayer Request link to your Intercessors – Thank You.