Join in 50 Hours of Prayer with Nations around the Globe! Live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV. Join live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV.
Join in 50 Hours of Prayer with Nations around the Globe! Live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV. Join live on 22 August on Trinity Broadcast TV.
The Global Concert of Prayer organized by the World Assemblies of God Fellowship will begin on Tuesday 22nd August and will continue for 50 hours of prayer for Revival. This…
Prayer Focus in August: Week 2. 1. Prayer for Japan – Part 2. 2. Global Concert of Prayer: Your Part in the GCOP: Read More. Prayer for Japan: 1. The…
AUGUST PRAYER FOCUS: 1. Prayer for Japan. 2. Global Concert of Prayer – ‘Fires of Revival’ 3. Praise Report: Asia Pacific Missions Congress: Prayer for Japan. Japan is One of…
In the month of July we will focus prayer of the Asia Pacific Region and pray for the Assemblies of God Churches and Missionary endeavors. This region includes nations in…
1. Preparing the Next Generation for Revival! a. How Satan wanted to take the Next Generation in Europe. “He alone, who holds the youth, gains the future” said Hitler…
The Prophetic Prayer for the Coming Revival in Europe. 1. The Walls of Secularism are Coming Down! “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” announced President Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall, JUNE…
The Spiritual Strongholds in Secularism. This week we continue with part 2 of understanding the Impact of Secularism in Europe. Impact of Secularism on Europe cannot be evaluated only by…
Rev. William Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury, warned in 1943 that Christian tradition was “in danger of being undermined by a ‘Secular Humanism’ which hoped to retain Christian values without Christian…
1. Pentecost – the Birthday of the Church? Just as life begins with a baby’s cry with the first breath of life – the Church was born on the Day…