Prayer for the WAGF’s 6th Missions Congress in Colombia – September 27-30.
We seek your prayer support for this event which will have a significant impact on the Missions Vision for the global Assemblies of God Movement. Pray that it will contribute to ‘Speeding His Coming’ as we specifically focus on ‘Finishing the Task.’
Please join in prayer for the following 7 points:
- Pray for a sense of Awakening.
The theme focuses on the Lord’s patience and delaying his coming so that ‘none should perish’ and on the responsibility of the Church to ‘speed up’ finishing the task of Missions. - Pray for a sense of Urgency.
Do you know that by November 15th this year, the world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion! Is it possible to finish the Task? This rapid increase requires a spirit of urgency for Missions. - Pray for a Radical Commitment to Missions.
Missions should not be just ordinary business in Church. It demands radical commitment by every National leader and Pastor in every Nation to be a ‘sending nation’ instead of being a receiving one. - Pray for a Militant Movement in Missions.
The Assemblies of God was birthed in 1914 as a Missionary Movement – not to be another Pentecostal Denomination. We need a militant Missions movement to avoid the ‘Sardis Church” syndrome. - Pray for Vibrancy and Revival in Churches.
Revived churches are sending churches! A church is not measured by the ‘seating capacity’ but by the ‘sending capacity!’ The WAGF has over 365,000 Churches worldwide which must be mobilized for Missions. - Pray for the Spirit of Collaboration and Partnership.
MM33 is the WAGF collaborative vision for Kingdom expansion and contribution to the Great Commission – “To grow to one million churches by the 2000th anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection and the Day of Pentecost!” - Pray for the Spirit of Humility and Unity.
Pray that this Congress will demonstrate a spirit of humility to put away personal agendas and unite for this one cause of ‘finishing the task’.
Read More in Next Page to Pray: Please Note that it will take at least 10-15 minutes of prayer.

1. Pray for a sense of Awakening.
The theme of the Congress ‘Speed His Coming’ is based on Scripture in 2 Peter 3:9 & 12.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief…as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming…”
God is delaying His Coming because of His patience to see all come to salvation.
However, it is the Church which is actually slow and delaying in fulfilling his Commission by not taking the Gospel to all mankind.
Since its nearly 2000 years since the Great Commission was given, the WAGF has seriously considered its global role in the end time harvest by declaring the ‘Decade of Revival’ or MM33 initiative (MM stands for the Roman numerals of 2000).
“We believe that it is imperative to mobilize the whole Church to pray for Revival and to be involved in Missions to take the Gospel to those who have not heard it.”
The Pentecost Commission from Acts 1:8 is to go to “the uttermost parts of the earth” is almost fulfilled because the Gospel has reached every geographical location on earth. However, in Matthew 24:14 Jesus commands that this Gospel must be preached to ‘all nations’, the ‘ethne,‘ or the 17,000 People Groups, which is yet to be completed. Therefore, ‘Speeding up’ requires reaching over 3,500 Unreached People Groups (UPGs) who have no access to the Gospel. The global Church must be awakened to this Missional commitment to reach the Unreached People with the Gospel.

Prayer: “Lord we Pray that all the AG Churches will have a sense of Awakening to the times and seasons they live in, and rise up to this call. We pray that this Missions Congress will create a fresh sense of purpose and vision in all our Churches. We pray that this will not be another event – but it will create a Global Missionary Movement in the Assemblies of God which will truly Speed your Coming and finish the Task”
Read More about the MM33
2. Pray for the sense of Urgency.
Do you know that by November 15th this year, the world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion! The rapid increase of our Task requires a spirit of urgency for Missions. We cannot play church and ignore over 2 ½ Billion people who have no access to the Gospel.
Is it possible to Finish the Task? Yes, the Time is Now!
‘Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! ‘ John 4:35

The harvest is ready now and we must mobilize and equip the ‘Reached’ to go to the ‘Unreached!’ Missions is the reason why the Church exists – we exist only for the lost!
Therefore, the WAGF has projected this goal in the MM33 Mission.
“The Great Commission is His mandate and our mission. We’re seeking the Lord and taking steps to grow to one million churches by the 2000th anniversary of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and the Day of Pentecost in 2033, then continuing the mission.”
The Challenge of this Congress is to accelerate the sending of laborers which must become the priority in every AG Church. Missions is no longer from West to East or from rich nations to the poor;
“Missions is from everywhere to everywhere!”

Let us pray that this Congress will create this sense of urgency to accelerate sending laborers.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, You said that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. We pray that you will stir the hearts of people in all AG Churches to become laborers in the Harvest. We pray for an acceleration of sending more missionaries in this next decade from all the AG Churches and all Nations.
3. Pray for a Radical Commitment to Missions.
Missions cannot be ordinary business in the Church – it requires a radical commitment.
The ‘Missions Commission’ which is organizing this Congress is committed to “form strategic partnerships among existing and emerging missions networks that will encourage and enable Assembly of God churches everywhere to reach the least reached of our world.“
Their Vision is to see:
- A functioning Missions program in every AG General Council.
- A measurable increase in personnel and resources sent out by the WAGF Member Missions programs, among least reached peoples through giving, going, and in praying.
- Strategic partnerships between WAGF and affiliated national churches for the fulfillment of the great commission.
Since ‘Everything rises and falls on leadership,’ pray that national leaders participating from many Councils will make this radical commitment to Missions.
Prayer: “Father we thank you for what you have done through the AG over the past 100 years. But we pray that you will use every AG Church to be radically committed to Missions, to evangelize, make disciples, plant Churches, and to reach the Unreached People Groups. We pray that you will wake us up from our complacency and spiritual lethargy and refresh us by the presence of your Holy Spirit in this Congress.”
4. Pray for a Militant Movement in Missions.
The Assemblies of God was birthed in 1914 as a Missionary Movement – not to be another Pentecostal Denomination. History shows that the final Declining Stage of any movement of God is when it becomes a ‘Denomination without dynamism!’ Similar to a Church life cycle, a plateau stage is the result of drift and complacency leading to a ‘Stagnancy Stage’ which is the first step towards decline and death. We need a militant Missions movement to prevent this “Sardis Church syndrome“ of which God said:
“You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead!” (Revelation. 3:1)

The decisive factor is whether it becomes an inward-focused or outward-focused movement.
The cost and effort of maintaining an inward-focused Church was severely tested during the past 2 years of the Covid Crisis as Pastors and members struggled to maintain the status quo of the Church.
Contrary to that, the early church thrived amidst crisis because of their Missional outlook in which they discovered their reason for being. They proved that ‘The Church is the only Society which survives by serving its non-members.’ That is the Mission of the Church.
“The son of man did not come to be served but to serve”
Therefore, Missions must become a militant movement of WAGF.
The Chairman Rev. Brad Walz of the Missions Commission has presented a Survey Report of Missions endeavors of the WAGF Churches in which he notes that:
“Missions must be done by all the AG Nations; not only by the Older Senders of the Western or Northern nations but also by New Senders, in the Global South.”
“Should every 10 AG Churches partner together to send 1 missionary out, we would have almost 40,000 missionaries! And if every member gives ONLY $1.19 a month, we would see a billion dollars in giving! As the WAGF prepares to reach one million churches by 2033, it is essential that Africa, Asia, and Latin America rise to become an essential part of that harvest response! We can’t have a true decade of harvest and reach one million churches only working where the church already exists or is strong. The vision must also engage the Unreached People Groups.”

Prayer: Father, we confess that we have been inward focused and giving our energy and resources to maintain rather than being focused on the lost. We repent and ask you to make us militant when it comes to Evangelism and reaching the lost. We pray that your Mission, “the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” will be the primary purpose of our Church’s existence.
5. Pray for Vibrancy and Revival in Churches.
Revived churches are sending churches! A church is not measured by the ‘seating capacity’ but by its ‘sending capacity!’
The WAGF has over 365,000 Churches worldwide which can be mobilized for Missions which is a huge resource in the Kingdom. If Jesus gave the Great Commission to 11 Disciples and empowered them to ‘start’ his Mission, how much more can these 365,000 Churches be empowered by the Holy Spirit to ‘finish’ it?
Let us pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Revival in every Church to make Missions a priority in every Church.
Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, you are the life of the Church. Without your Spirit’s empowerment we have no hope or future. As You promised to pour out your Spirit on all flesh, we earnestly seek your Spirit of Revival in all our Churches so that we can be empowered to finish the Great Commission.”
6. Pray for a Spirit of Collaboration and Partnership.
MM33 is the WAGF’s collaborative vision and plan for Kingdom expansion and contribution to the Great Commission – His Mandate. Our Mission.

“Between now and 2033, we’re seeking the Lord and taking steps to grow to one million churches by the 2000th anniversary of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and the Day of Pentecost!”
The MM33 invite you to join in prayer as we seek guidance from the Lord!
- Pray for individuals to have a humble hearts and a deep conviction of sin that leads to repentance
- Pray for lives, churches, and communities to be transformed
- Pray for unity
7. Pray for a Spirit of Humility and Unity.
Pray that this Congress will demonstrate a spirit of humility and unity to put away their personal agendas and boldly commit themselves for this one cause of ‘finishing the task’.
Paul said to Corinthian Church:
“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” (1 Corinthians 1:10)
Prayer: Father, we humble ourselves and say: “Without You, we can do nothing”. We put away our own agendas and embrace your agenda for the Church. We pray for all those who are participating, speaking, and organizing this Missions Congress. Let the Spirit of Humility and Unity prevail in what we will do”
Pray for Leaders and Speakers:
- Pray for Acting Chairman: Rev. David Mohan; Secretary, Rev. Dominic Yeo; Missions Commission Chairman, Rev. Brad Walz; Organizing Committee Chair: Rev. Isai of Colombia;
- For all the Speakers, Workshop Leaders, Worship Teams and Leaders, Logistical staff.
- Pray for over 2000 Delegates attending the Conference.
- Pray for delegates travelling from overseas.
- Pray for all AG Nations represented in the Congress will carry the fires of Revival to their nations.
- For the MM33 Vision and Mission to spread throughout the globe through this event.
See Conference Schedule for Speakers and Sessions:
WAGF Missions Commission
Colombia 2022 Missions Congress.
MM33 Global
A Third of Us