Praying for Continents, Nations & Cities.
“From one man he (God) made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him…” Acts 17:26
Just as Jesus explored the World, You too can Pray for the World by:
- Continents.
- Regions.
- Countries.
- Islands.
- Districts.
- Cities.
- Towns.
- Villages.
Intercessors can learn to explore each unit and pray for His Mission to be accomplished.
“So that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.” 2 Cor 10:16
Pray by Continents:
Pray by Continents specifically because their diverse and unique features give you an understanding of the presence and the impact of the Gospel. (see the chart below on the next page)
Pray by Regions:
Praying by Regions enables Intercessors to familiarize themselves with major religious, political, and socio-economic influences on people in each Region. It also helps to understand God’s purposes for them:
- Middle East & North Africa – MENA – Islamic & Arabic.
- Sub-Sahara Africa – Christian, Animists
- Central Asia –
- Europe – North, Southern, Eastern. Central. Nominal/Secular.
- Southern Asia – All major religions.
- Asia Pacific Region – Diverse people and religions
- Northen Asia.
- Australia & Oceania
- The Caribbean.
- Latin America – Catholic/Spanish
- North America.
Pray by Countries:
There are 197 autonomous Nations and 14 dependent territories.
Each country represents what the Bible says “The Kingdoms of this World’ and Intercessors should pray until they become the ‘Kingdom of our God.
“Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come…” Rev. 12:10
Each country also represents cultures, social contexts, language and beliefs which are important to know as they influence the lives of their citizens. Each Nation also consists of ‘the Ethne’ or the ‘People Groups’ which the Church is called to Disciple.
Prayer for all people and the rulers of each Nation is commanded which only can result in Salvation:
Let us Pray for Regions and Countries in the World.
- Pray that every Nation will have the access to the Gospel.
- Pray for your Nation and neighboring Countries in the Region.
- Pray for the Political Rulers and governments.
- Pray for open doors for all to hear the Gospel.
- Pray for the Church in each Nation that they will be light and salt.
Join the Operation World Daily Prayer for a Nation which gives information by Countries for Prayer.
Download the App to Pray Daily.
Is it possible to pray for ‘every person” in the World?
Yes! Because it is the will of God that ‘all people to be saved”
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people —2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:1-4
Today the greatest possibility exists to pray for every person by name and for every home by location!
Look at some of the Prayer initiatives to reach every home:
World Prays – Bless Every Home.
Praying for Cities, Towns and Villages
“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, (Luke 19:41)

There are over 10,000 Cities and around 350,000 Towns in the World today
Jesus openly wept twice – once for his friend’s death and the other over the City!
He still weeps over cities around the world where millions of people live. God’s plan for humanity began in a Garden and will culminate in the heavenly City of Jerusalem. Similarly, Satan’s plan began from the first city – Babal – and will end up with Babylon. (Revelation 18). He uses urbanization as a means to lure people to success, prosperity, wealth, luxury & entertainment, but eventually entrap & enslave them in evil, vice, poverty, misery, bondage, and suffering. Cities are also centres of both political and spiritual power while witchcraft and sorcery dominate them.
“Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” Rev. 18:2
- There are 1170 cities over 1/2 Million.
- 557 cities over Million.
- 80 cities over 5 million.
- 35 cities over 10 million.
- 10 cities over 20 million
- Khayelitsha in Cape Town (South Africa): 400,000
- Kibera in Nairobi (Kenya): 700,000
- Dharavi in Mumbai (India): 1,000,000
- Neza (Mexico): 1,200,000
- Orangi Town in Karachi (Pakistan): 2,400,000
Cities create slums with indescribable poverty, disease, and suffering.
It is estimated that 1 in every 4 people will live in Slums in 2030! (Habitat for humanity)
View video ‘Inside the world’s biggest slums
Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
Jermiah 29:7
Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
Let us Pause and Pray for the Cities of the World
- Let us Pray for major urban centers to have strong Missional Churches.
- Pray that City Churches will become centers of outreach to neighboring towns and villages.
- That there will be unity among city church leaders to develop strategies to reach beyond.
- Pray for ministries reaching out to people in slums and inner cities.
- Pray for your own City that God will give a greater burden to reach people.
- Join the ‘Pray for the City’ movements.
Join the “110 City Global Canopy of Prayer” movement.
This Prayer Initiative seeks to unite Intercessors to focus on the 110 largest Cities of the World.
Click Here to watch a 5-minute video and enrol.
The Villages:
Still about half of the World’s population live in villages. That is nearly 4 billion people.
- There are about 3 million Villages in the World.
- 1 million villages in China, about one third of the world’s total.
- 638,365 villages in India.
- 400,000 villages in Sub-Saharan Africa
Access to the Gospel to these people is a challenge due to various factors, such as isolation, religious strongholds, lack of motorable access, difficult terrain, strong social bondings etc. We must pray for dedicated workers who are willing to pay the price to walk these villages with the Gospel.
The Terrain:
The highest altitude where villages are found in Nepal in the great Himalayan Mountain range is an incredibly rough wall of peaks and mountains, 100 miles wide, 5 miles high and 1500 miles long!
In 1700 Capuchin missionary priests from Rome began a mission to Tibet and China, and sailed from Italy on May 6th 1704, to Turkey and then trekked through west Asia to the Persian Gulf and sailed to India to reach Lhasa in Tibet. It took 3 years and 4 died on the way and only 2 survived. Within four and half years the mission gradually weakened and closed due to difficulties of communication with home bases, transport, lack of funds, real starvation, insufficient personal and physical weakness and death!
The highest permanently inhabited town in the world is La Rinconada, in Peru, a mining village of over 7000 people at an altitude of up to 16,758 feet.
The Jungles in Amazon
Uncontacted Tribes:
It is believed that there are around 100 uncontacted tribes left in the world. The exact number is not known—the majority of those tribes live in the Amazon rainforest. The Sentinelese tribals are an uncontacted tribe living on North Sentinal Island, in the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean who vigorously reject all contact with outsiders and are the most isolated tribe in the world.
Let us Pray for the Villages and Tribal Groups.
- Let us pray that every Church will reach out to the Villages with the Gospel.
- Pray that dedicated laborerers will be raised who are willing to walk and travel to villages.
- Pray for the Discipleship Multiplication and House Church Movements to reach out to villages.
- That small house groups will multiply in rural areas where there is oppostion to the Gospel.
- Pray that Tribes that are yet to be discovered and reached will hear the Gospel.
- Pray that God will open doors for those who will never have opportunity to be reached.
- Read the news item about the John Chau –Young Missionary killed by Andaman Tribals
NEXT PAGE: Praying For The Continents.
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