World AG Missions Prayer Network
Therefore Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest - Matthew 9:38

Jesus ‘Explored the World Geographically.’

The previous post viewed the World through the eyes of Jesus from the “Lens of People.
This post reveals how Jesus viewed and explored God’s world geographically to know and understand the scope of his mission on earth. He walked the earth through diverse geographic locations where people were comprising villages, towns, cities, regions and countries.
Geography was important to Him because it revealed ‘demographics‘ – the data relating to population and particular groups within it. Intercessors would have a better understanding of God’s heart and Jesus’ mission if they explore the world similarly and pray to focus on geographic locations.

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. Mat 9: 35

Places where Jesus Walked

  • He was born in the Town of Bethlehem.
  • He travelled to another Country (Egypt) as a Refugee.
  • Began his ministry from the village of Nazareth.
  • Travelled to many villages, towns and Cities.
  • Explored the 6 Regions of Palestine of the Roman Empire:
    Judea, Galilee, Samaria, Decapolis, Perea, and Syro-Phoenicia.
  • Visited coastal citiesof the Mediteranian Sea, of Tyre, Sidon,
    and visited pagan city of Caesera Phillipi.
  • He finished his Mission in the capital City of Jerusalem and
    commissioned the Church to begin His Mission from there.
  • How many miles did Jesus walk? (see below)
Israel at the Time of Jesus

How Many Miles did Jesus Walk?

It is estimated that Jesus would have walked around 18,000 miles before his public ministry, which includes going to Egypt, the annual visits to Jerusalem from childhood, and travel for general work as a carpenter. It is calculated from the Gospel accounts that he walked around 3,125 miles during His 3-year public Ministry. A Grand Total of 21,525 Miles (34,640 km) – almost the distance of once around the globe. (24,850 miles)

In contrast to over 50,000 miles of paved roads built by the Roman Empire in Jesus’ time, today there are over 40,000,0000 miles of road in the world! But Jesus still walks on earth -through His Body – the Church which must ‘Prayer Walk’ every road & location where the lost are to declare His Kingdom.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Breaking the Mindset Barrier!

Jesus modelled the ‘Preaching of the Kingdom’ by personally crossing Geographic locations.
His Commission in Act 1:8 specifically notes Holy Spirits’ empowerment to cross geographic and cultural boundaries to be witnesses.
However, most misread this scripture as after Jerusalem’ or ‘then’ mentality instead of the ‘and‘ conjunction presuming that only ‘after‘ finishing Jerusalem that they should move to other locations.
But Jesus intended the Church to take responsibility for all the locations mentioned in Acts 1:8.
Just think of this: “If the Assemblies of God USA waited till their Jerusalem/Nation is evangelized first before sending Missionaries to other nations” – then most of AG National Councils or Churches will not exist!
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to break this mindset so that every Nation will reach their Jerusalem ‘and’ Judea, ‘and’ Samaria, ‘and’ the Uttermost Parts of the World.

Let us Pause and Pray
  • Pray that every Church will break the ‘mindset barrier‘ to cross geographical boundaries
  • That the vision of any church will not be confined to activies within the 4 walls of the building.
  • Pray that Acts 1:8 Commission to cross geographical boundaries will be embraced by every church.
  • Pray that the ‘Jerusalem first‘ mentality will be replaced by the ‘and attitude‘ to including other neighboring locations, people groups and Nations.
  • That Churches will start to ‘Pray, Give, & Go’ to other Nations!
  • That Churches will send short-term missions teams to neighboring nations to expose them to Missions.
  • Pray that every National AG Church will establish a Missions Department to ‘Send‘ missionaries beyond thier Nation – having ‘Feet that Go, Knees that Pray and Hands that Give
Missions is done with the FEET, the KNEES, and the HANDS

How You can Pray for the World Geographically by:

  • Continents.
  • Regions.
  • Countries.
  • Islands.
  • Districts.
  • Cities.
  • Towns.
  • Villages.

If God so loved the World, Intercessors should learn to explore each unit and pray for His Mission to be accomplished.

Part 2 – Praying for the World Geographically – Click Here

Sources: Operation World, World Population Review, Worldometers, Habitat for Humanity UK, The Guardian,, Nepal & the Gospel of God,
Photo Credit: Travelbite, Britannica, Nationsonline.

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