World AG Missions Prayer Network
Therefore Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest - Matthew 9:38

Are you Ready for 2022?

The negative (-) word that dominated the world past 2 years bringing fear, anxiety, and uncertainty to the whole world was ‘Covid-19‘.
It is time to change to a more powerful and positive (+) word, to a Name more supreme, awesome, and hope-inspiring: JESUS. He is the only Hope to the World because the Cross (+) made the difference!
Join us in thIs amazing “Week of Prayer” discovering JESUS, who alone is worthy of all our attention. For Covid-19 will soon be history, but JESUS remains, and His Kingdom will last forever!

Moving from Covid-19 to ‘JESUS in ’22’

“When the Drama of History is over, Jesus Christ will stand alone on the stage.
All the great figures of history…will realize that they have been actors in a drama produced by another!”

German Theologian Helmut Thielike

I read this amazing statement about Jesus in a powerful devotional book by Dr Dick Eastman called ‘Awesome Jesus.’
Dr Eastman is a giant in Prayer and Intercession. About 35 years ago I followed his prayer manual on ‘Prayer to Change the World’ which transformed my prayer life and perspective of Intercession. Famous author and AG Pastor, Mark Batterson in his foreword for this book ‘Awesome’ writes,
“I have only a few heroes. Dick Eastman is one of them. The first time we met, the humility and the authority with which he prayed floored me. I mean that literally. I ended up on my knees in prayer!”

The General Superintendent of the USA, Dr Doug Clay has partnered with Dr Dick Eastman to share 7 devotionals on JESUS during the ‘Week of Prayer’ on January 2-8, 2022. We join this prayer initiative of focusing on ‘JESUS in 2022′ and invite WAGF AG Councils, Churches, and Intercessors to join us in this powerful prayer initiative.

Reversing our Prayer Focus!

Most prayers regrettably have the ‘Name of Jesus’ at the end – like a magic word or a mantra, presuming it works. But it is time to change! Let’s move Jesus from the end of our prayers to the beginning – to see Him as the Supreme One, “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” Eph 3:20.

Therefore we dedicate the first week of the New Year to focus on JESUS in our intercession. Since most AG Councils generally focus a week to 21-days of prayer, we invite you to dedicate this week just to focus on Jesus. This Prayer Network will provide the resources from the AG- USA material to promote this unified focus on Jesus.

“And I, If I will be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me”

John 12:32

Week of Prayer – Preparing for Revival!

2020 Week of Prayer

The WAGF Fellowship is also preparing for the MM33 – The global initiative of “His Mandate & Our Mission” – preparing for the greatest move of the Holy Spirit and Revival in history. Rev. Dominic Yeo, the chair of the MM33 also encourages the Global AG members to join in this united prayer.

How to join the Prayer Week.

The AG USA has graciously granted us access to their website material in English and Spanish. Our website will give you access to them in over 60 major languages using the ‘Translation’ feature to be forwarded through email and social media to churches and intercessors before the end of this year.

The focus of the Week of Prayer

To access Resources and Promotional Material for the “WEEK OF PRAYER’

Watch the Promotional Video by Dr Doug Clay and Dick Eastman



Thank you for your partnership in Missions Intercession.

Network Coordinator

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