Intercessor Report on Missions Congress in Cancun, Mexico.
The 3rd World Missions Congress was held in Cancun, Mexico in June, with the theme: “Unless they are sent”. According to Matthew 9:38, sending is a result of Intercession as the we are asked to pray to the Lord of the harvest who will ‘send’ forth laborers.
Many intercessors committed themselves to pray for World Missions and we trust that there will be a great number of laborers sent out to reap the ready harvest around the world.
There were over 60 nations represented in this Congress and the 2 workshops on Intercession for Missions drew a keen number of people who were interested to be involved in intercession.
The Latin American Prayer Network which targets 1 Million intercessors will continue to mobilize many intercessors in the Region.
There were open sessions of prayer with specific focus on 100 Nations of the World for Missions.