World AG Missions Prayer Network
Therefore Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest - Matthew 9:38

Local media reports that 140,000 to 150,000 people gathered in Plaza de La Fe in Managua, Nicaragua, on Saturday, April 21, to culminate the Centennial Celebration of the Assemblies of God in the nation. The event’s theme was “The Holy Spirit, the Determining Factor for the Growth of the Church.”

Claudio Freidzon, Argentine Assemblies of God pastor and revivalist, and his wife, Betty, ministered. With a powerful Pentecostal anointing, they challenged believers in the Nicaragua Assemblies of God to embrace the work of the Holy Spirit and prophesied a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit flowing out of the nation in these last days. Many powerful miracles were done as a present reminder to future generations that Pentecostalism is alive and well today, just as it was 100 years ago when early missionaries were called to fulfill the Great Commission from the Pentecostal outpouring at Azusa Street.


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