North Korea Population: 23,990,703
Political Leaders: Acting Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, Premier Choe Yong-rim
Religions: Non-Religious 69.30%; Ethno-Religionist 15.50%; Other 13.20%; Christian 1.48%; Buddhist 0.40%
North Korea is number 1 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians.
The only acceptable religion is Cheondogyo, (Kim Il-Sung-ism). All other religions are harshly repressed. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have died because of persecution and today, up to 100 000 are in prisons or work camps. One of the most repressive regimes in the world, North Korea again topped the persecutor list for the sixth straight year.
The reclusive communist state is known to execute Christians found with a Bible, imprison and torture believers and ban all forms of worship. Between 50,000 and 70,000 Christians are currently suffering in prison camps where torture is regularly implemented. Some think the hermit regime has detained more political and religious prisoners than any other country in the world. (Source: Window Intl) It is therefore understandable that no reports of participation in Global Day of Prayer have ever been received but our sources confirm that the believers do pray each year as this is all they can do – pray.
Prayer Requests :
Still the most hostile country in which to live and practice the Christian faith, there are reports of many Christians arrested, with at least 25 per cent of Christians believed to be languishing in labour camps for their refusal to worship founder Kim Il-Sung’s cult. Half the population lives in the north, close to China, where family-based networks of house churches exist in significant numbers. Roughly ten million inhabitants are malnourished, with thousands eating only grass and bark.
Please Pray:
For freedom and justice under the new leadership of Kim Jong-Un. Give thanks for the aid that Open Doors and other Christian NGOs can offer. Pray for the safety of North Korean Christians escaping to China. Source: Global Day of Prayer – http://www.globaldayofprayer.com/country.php?country=328#prayer