Prayer during Ramadan!
Muslims worldwide gather to fast and pray during Ramadan, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. During each of its 30 days, Muslims are obligated to fast from…
Muslims worldwide gather to fast and pray during Ramadan, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. During each of its 30 days, Muslims are obligated to fast from…
In reviewing ‘THE STATE OF THE GREAT COMMISSION,’ we continue to pray this week again for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in the following areas: HOW CAN WE DISCIPLE…
Exceeding Expectations in 2025! We wish all our Intercessors a Blessed New Year and thank you for your partnership in Intercession for Missions. We are in another exciting year of…
Thank you for praying for the 7th World Missions Congress in Kenya last week. There were 1,200 participants from 75 nations who joined in this historic event! We believe your…
A Significant Global Event! The Seventh World Missions Congress of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (WAGF) is held every 2-3 years to inspire, motivate, and mobilize the AG National…
The International Prayer Connect and World Prays invite you to join millions around the world in praying for America on Sunday, September 22nd. Download the Flyer + Prayer Pointers in 8…
Introduction. In Deuteronomy 9, God’s reveals His destiny for Israel in 3 specific areas:The Nations, Cities, and Giants! Hear, O Israel: You are to cross over the Jordan today, and…
This month we continue to pray for Missions in Africa. The Chairman of the Africa Pentecostal Missions Dr. Arto Hämäläinen sends this report and requests prayer for the Missions initiatives…
AUGUST PRAYER FOCUS: 1. Prayer for Japan. 2. Global Concert of Prayer – ‘Fires of Revival’ 3. Praise Report: Asia Pacific Missions Congress: Prayer for Japan. Japan is One of…
Jesus gave his disciples a Global challenge of World Evangelization. “Go into All the World – Preach the Gospel – Disciple all Nations! “It was a huge task beyond their ability,…