The Operation World Missions Prayer focuses on India next 2 weeks providing valuable Intercession material to pray for India. We encourage you to join this prayer effort by praying for Key Features of Prayer outlined below,

Population: 1,393,409,033 | Christian: 5.8 % |
Largest Religion Hindu: 74.3% | Percent Evangelical: 2.2% |
People Groups: 2,493 | Unevangelized: 43 % |
Literacy Rate: 71 % | Least Reached People Groups: 2,445 |
Villages: 300,000 | Languages: 456 |
Urban: 35.4 % | Persecution Ranking: 10 / 50 |
India is the world’s largest democracy.
Political, economic, and social challenges all place a heavy burden on the government. Pray that the government will choose to build on the progress of recent decades, especially to preserve and protect human dignity, rights, and freedoms.
The current government has been operating on a Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) platform which has brought about intensifying persecution of other religions, and the introduction of many barriers of foreign Christian mission in India.
Key Prayer Points to Intercede for India:
Part A. The State of India:
- Hinduism is the world’s third-largest religious system.
- India has more human need than any other nation.
- The caste system remains a major issue.
- Women and children suffer the most.
- The blind – many as 15 million people in India.
- The “New India” is a youthful, ambitious, cosmopolitan and modern entity.
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Part B. The Unfinished Task in India.
- The world’s least-evangelized peoples are concentrated in India.
- India has more unreached individuals than any other nation.
- The Indian Church is highly diverse, with a long legacy.
- The Mission endeavors in India.
- Pray for the Indian diaspora
- Pray for the Assemblies of God in India.
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Part A. The State of India:
- Hinduism is the world’s third-largest religious system.
Hinduism, most broadly understood, is a civilizational dynamic incorporating every aspect of life, embracing those who live in or identify with India and its culture. As a religion, it is a pluralistic network of religious beliefs and systems ranging from the philosophical (self-realization), to Vedic-influenced rituals, to popular expression (idols), to village Hinduism (animism, occultism). Its global influence is significant through movements such as yoga, Hare Krishna New Age, Art of Living and have become part of 21st Century postmodern culture.
2. India has more human need than any other nation.
Largely by virtue of its massive population, and also due to many areas of suffering that must be addressed through considered action and sustained prayer.

- Poverty affects hundreds of millions, often as utter destitution that is far below any income level. Recent economic liberalization and initiatives to assist the poorest communities will help India move further in the right direction to significantly reduce poverty.
- Health concerns affect huge swathes of India’s population. Around 40% of children under age three suffer from malnutrition; inadequate sanitation and lack of clean water multiply the waterborne diseases impacting children and the poor.
- 900,000 people per year die as a result of drinking unclean water or breathing polluted air; has the world’s third-largest HIV-positive population; and one-third of the world’s tuberculosis cases.
- Excellent healthcare and medical training were two of Christianity’s finest contributions to India and pray that this important legacy might be preserved.
3. The caste system remains a major issue.
The deprived casts of Dalits/Bahujans/Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes together are 25% of the population who were oppressed for thousands of years through the caste system (and Hinduism) justifying it. Churches work to establish human rights, education, health, and employment, and also for salvation of the Dalits and has opportunity to show that the love of Christ which extends to all people, regardless of caste, race, language, gender, and economic status.

4. Women and children suffer the most.
Pray that God will change attitudes and practices in society to reflect His care for women and children.
- Of the 400 million children, possibly up to 35 million are orphans. 11 million are abandoned (90% are girls). 3 million live on the streets. Some families sell children into slavery to pay off family debts.
- Two-thirds of all children suffer physical abuse, and half suffer some kind of sexual harassment or abuse. Over 1 million end up in prostitution (mostly Nepalis and Bangladeshis).
- Society prefers male children, so some families abort, abandon, or even kill girl babies. The female population today lacks 35 million girls when compared with the male population.
- Women have lower rates of literacy and education, and domestic abuse is a widespread problem. Some young girls get dedicated to the ancient service of temple prostitution.
5. The blind – many as 15 million people in India.
And another 50 million visually impaired – this is nearly 40% of the world’s total. Of these cases, 70% would be preventable if there were sufficient doctors and optometrists. Braille is an under-utilized tool. Pray for ministries to blind people such as: Mission to the Blind, India Fellowship for Visually Handicapped and Torch Trust for the Blind, Compass Braille producing Braille Scriptures. The New Life AG Church in Chennai under Rev. David Mohan ministers to 300 blind families in the city.
Megavoice, Proclaimer, and others provide audio materials which are vital for reaching and discipling India’s blind people.

6. The “New India” is a youthful, ambitious, cosmopolitan and modern entity.
It is increasingly urban and tech-savvy. The India of call centres, cricket, Bollywood, bhangra and globally connected Indian culture is exposed to and open to new ideas and ways of living, including Christianity.
- The most significant influence in this context is materialism – as capable of entrapping Hindus as any other group. This younger generation – 70% of India is under age 35, and 31% under age 15 – will shape India’s future.
- Pray that this hugely strategic group to be reached and new and different missiological strategies undertaken by Indian Churches and Missions to communicate and model the gospel to them.