World AG Missions Prayer Network
Therefore Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest - Matthew 9:38
In the next two weeks, we will join a special prayer initiative for the HINDU WORLD coordinated by the ‘International Prayer Connect.’
Please join us using the resources below to pray for this challenging need and to see a breakthrough in the Hindu World!

Hindu World Prayer Guide

“There is nothing that intercessory prayer cannot do.”

When Charles Spurgeon spoke these words more than 150 years ago, he wasn’t thinking specifically of India or Hinduism, but his words still hold true today. Intercessory prayer can accomplish the impossible. Indeed, intercessory prayer is the only thing that will overcome the challenge of bringing the life-giving message of Jesus to Hindus around the globe.

The goal of the Hindu Prayer Guide is to help Jesus Followers throughout the world to focus on praying for Hindu people. It is a tool translated into 20 languages and used by over 5,000 international prayer networks. During these 15 days, more than 200 million people will be praying. We are excited that you are joining them!

In addition to sharing some amazing stories of how the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of the Hindu people, this guide offers information on several cities in India. Teams of Jesus Followers will be praying for spiritual breakthroughs in these specific cities during the days leading up to the Diwali festival.

May the Holy Spirit guide and speak to you as you pray for our Lord to bring a revelation of Himself to Hindus.

Dr. Jason Hubbard, International Prayer Connect

For further details:


Special Resources for Children’s Prayer:

By Josh S

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