Two weeks ago, Super Typhoon Gaemi began as a tropical storm that intensified rapidly, leaving a trail of destruction across the Philippines.
Yet, it could not stop the synergy and power of 57 Missions and Next Gen directors, pastors, and leaders from 11 nations huddled together in Manila on 25 & 26 July 2024 to spur one another to mobilize the Next Gen for missions and to build collaborative partnerships across borders.

The first Missions Congress of the ‘Asia Pacific Assemblies of God’ Region was hosted by the Philippines AG World Missions Dept at the International Charismatic Church (ICS) with the participation of National Superintendents, Missions Directors, and other Pastors.
Mobilizing the Next Generation for Missions!
The theme of the Congress was: “Mobilizing the Next Generation for Missions.”
In the opening session, Dr. Fidel Monzon, the Director of the Asia Pacific Missions and the Assistant General Superintendent of the host nation Philippines, welcomed the delegates. He expressed praise the Lord for the opportunity to come together as AP mission leaders, and NextGen leaders with the goal of mobilizing the NextGen for Missions. He acknowledged the presence of each Asia Pacific national representatives.

The Plenary sessions and speakers zoomed in on key aspects of the theme of the Congress:
- Why Focus on the next Gen?
- Who are the next Gen?
- What is Effective Mobilization?
In addition, there were also panel discussions covering these topics and times of prayer and fellowship.
1. Why Focus on the Next Generation for Missions?

Rev. Jeff Hartensweld, the Asia Pacific Regional Director, shared a challenging message
He quoted from 2 Timothy 2:2 how Paul raised the next Gen leader Timothy.
He noted the danger of following the OT pattern of next generation succession which happened only when the senior leaders or Patriarchs were dead.
Jesus started his ministry young and most of his disciples were young. And, Jesus also gave priority to Children in his ministry, which the disciples considered as a hindrance.
In his presentation He highlighted the following:
- Why are we not focusing on the next Gen for Missions?
We are frustrated with the next Gen!
They don’t do things the way we do things.
Frustration, personal power, and a lack of belief highlight this.
We feel we earned the right to lead, and therefore, the next Gen must be silent.
We don’t believe that they can do what we have done.
2. What are some tips on how to mobilize them? B.I.B.
Believe in them.
Instill in them. Instill missions to the heart of Children.
Bring them along and mentor them.

He confidently concluded that the Next Gen are well equipped in the world they have created to do missions.
The older Generations may not be equipped for the modern digital world, but the next Gen is. Yet, God has a ‘Chosen Generation’ in every age to fulfill His Mission.
2. Who are the Next Gen? ‘

Pastor Mavis Wong, the Asia Pacific Next Gen Regional Director shared on the importance of Understanding the Next Generation which enlightened keys areas of each generation.
She focused 3 key areas of the Next Generation:
- Explanation – Through a cultural lens,
- Definition – Through Biblical lens.
- Connection – Through the Church lens.

She also noted that:
- Culture is shifting at a micro level within four months.
- Culture is consistently communicated value.
- Now, we are globally and inter-generally being re-wired.

Connection through the Church Lens:
She comprehensively covered all aspects of the Next Gen, giving valuable information and keys to reaching each generation.
She challenged the Church leaders to be open and understanding to accept the Next Gen and highlighted the role of the Church in disciplining them.

3. What is Effective Mobilization?

Michael D from the WAGF Missions Commission shared on “Barnabas – the Next Gen Missions Mobilizer.”
Barnabas was the first missionary sent from the Jerusalem Church to Gentile Antioch Church and became the leader of the Antioch Missionary Movement. He was a key ‘Next Generation Missions Mobilizer’ being instrumental in discipling and mobilizing young Saul of Tarsus (‘Gen Z,’) and John Mark, (‘Gen Alpha’) of his time. Without these two, we would not have most of the books in the NT and no missionary movement in the first century.
Today, despite the growth of the Church, The ‘Unfinished Task’ keeps growing!
In the past 100 years the percentage of the Christian population has not grown but shrunk – from 35% in 1900 to 32% in 2020 – in comparison to the lost yet to be reached. Even though the Pentecostals and Charismatic have grown significantly, it has not contributed to significantly to reduce the segment of lost and unreached people in the World!

Only effective Missions Mobilization can clear the misunderstanding of:
1. The Church.
2. The Great Commission.
3. The Work of the Holy Spirit.

The Congress concluded with a Communion Service led by Dr. Fidel Monzon who challenged the participants not to forget the ‘missional’ responsibility when partaking in Communion.
We praise God that after communion, delegates from different Asia Pacific nations take time to pray for one another, declaring a mighty mobilization of missions and God’s blessings upon one another.

We Praise God for the Mission Initiatives of various Regional Missions Teams of the World Assemblies of God. We appreciate your faithful prayer for Missions!
(This report was submitted by Dr. Fidel & Rev. Lindsay Lui of the Asia Pacific Missions team.)