More Christians may have heard of the ‘Israel-Gaza war’ than of the ‘Great Commission!’

In 2017, the Barna Group conducted a study of the U.S. Church’s ideas about missions, and asked if they had “heard of the Great Commission.” About half of U.S. churchgoers (51 percent) responded they hadn’t. Out of the rest, Only 17% understood what it means!
However, if they were asked if they could explain the Great Commission to someone, or whether they practice it, only a very small minority were able to do so.
This has not changed globally even today in 2024! Because Churches are more involved in issues maintaining their means of existence rather than of focusing on purpose of their existence – which is the Great Commission.
A. Why the ‘Great Commission?’

Although the term ‘Great Commission’ is not in the Bible, we refer this to at least 5 references of the commands given by Jesus Christ to his followers, the Church. This was given after His resurrection implying that it is a universal ‘Command’ applying at all Christians until He returns.
In other words, it gives the very reason and purpose as to why the Church exists.
Imagine if employees of a car manufacturing plant, or even a restaurant were asked why their company exist and if they said “we don’t know?”
Yet most of the Church is ignorant of the Great Commission, leave alone fulfilling it.
B. The Task and the Scope of the Remaining Work

The Remaining Task can be only measured by first understanding the task and scope of the Great Commission. In the 5 commands Jesus gave in the Gospels and book of Acts, we can see Key Areas involving the Tasks and Scope:
- People: Mark:16:15 – “Preach the Gospel to every creature”
- Geographic Spread: Acts 1:8 – “From Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to ends of the earth”
- Nations: Luke 24:47 – “Repentance of sins should be preached… to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
- People Groups: Matthew 28:19 – “Make disciples of all Nations (ethne).”
- Commissioning: John 20:21 – “As the Father sent me – so I send You.”
We will look at each of the above areas in prayer in 2024 to evaluate the Remaining Task.
C. Why the Great Omission?
Although it is Commission given by Christ to take the Gospel to all people and nations, the Church has omitted this priority from its agenda. This omission is reflected in 4 attitudes which has become the primary obstacles for fulfilling God’s Mission. While there are other external challenges such as cultural, political, and religious resistance to the Gospel, we must pray that first, the Church must overcome these internal challenges.
The 4 Key Internal Obstacles hindering the Task:
- The Great Ignorance.
- The Great Indifference.
- The Great Imbalance.
- The Great Inequality.
We invite you to join in Intercession in 2024 so that the Church will be able to overcome the internal obstacles to speed up the fulfilling the Great Commission.
- Lord, we pray for revelation and Spiritual Understanding of your purposes and Mission.
- Give us a genuine burden for the lost souls which is your heart for the world.
- We pray that every Church and Christian will become more aware of the ‘Great Commission’ in this new year.
- We shift our prayer focus from needs to have more spiritual understanding your Kingdom purposes: “the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling… (Ephesians 1:18)
- We pray that every Church will speak, teach and mobilize their members to the Great Commission in 2024.
D. Praying to overcome Obstacle 1: ‘The Great Ignorance.’

As mentioned earlier, majority of the Churches and Christians are not fully aware of what Jesus is expecting from them to fulfill His Commission. Or, even if they are aware, the do not make it a priority in their ministries.
However, this ignorance is not passive – it actively contributes to intentionally delaying God Mission and hasten people going to Hell!
Do you realize that while You read this article, every minute 105 people go to a lost eternity?
- 55.3 million people die each year.
- 151,600 people die each day.
- Over 60,000 of them die having had no access to the Gospel.
- 6,316 people die each hour.
This means,
- ignorance is no excuse! It is Sin!
- Ignorance will prolong the loss and destruction of souls.
- Ignorance works against the cause of Christ.
- Ignorance will contribute to delaying fulfilment of God’s Mission and Christ’s return
- Lord, we pray in repentance for the ignorance in the Church about the Great Commission.
- Father forgive us for intentionally letting people to go to a lost eternity.
- You said “All souls are Mine; The soul who sins shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4) and that “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.” (33:11)
- Therefore you love and care for their souls and have asked us “warn the wicked to turn from their evil ways”
- Holy Spirit, we pray you will bring conviction to the Church to take the Gospel to the lost souls.
E. Understanding Great Commission in terms of People: Evangelization:
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16: 15
First of all, The Great Commission is about God’s heart for People.
He wants us to preach the Gospel to every ‘creature’ – the Greek word used here implying God’s heart for redeeming all mankind who are created in His own image . God places value on every person on earth who are potential Children of God.
Although people are seen today only as numbers, we must see the heart of God for each person to be restored back to Him.

How Does God see People?
In Evangelism, we partner with God to Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to all humanity.
- God does not want anyone to Perish: 2 Peter 3:9
“He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. - God wants all people to be saved: 1 Timothy 2:3-4
“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved - God has provided Salvation for ALL people through Christ . 1 Timothy 2: 5
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave himself as a ransom for all people.” - God wants us to Pray for All People to be saved. 1 Timothy 2:1
“first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.”
- Lord, we pray that you will help us to know and feel Your heart for lost humanity.
- We Pray that we will partner with you in Intercession by ‘Praying for All People’ to be saved.
- We pray that every Church will be actively involved in Evangelism in 2024.
- We Pray that the Christians will boldly declare their faith in Christ to those who don’t know Him.
- The Barna Group.
- Operation World.
- The Gospel Coalition.
- Picture Credit:
- The Barna Group.