This month we continue to pray for Missions in Africa.
The Chairman of the Africa Pentecostal Missions Dr. Arto Hämäläinen sends this report and requests prayer for the Missions initiatives of the Pentecostals in Africa.

APM is open for all Pentecostal denominations (Assemblies of God and others) having vision for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
APM is still young, established in 2018, and it was officially registered in Kenya this year. It is serving the whole continent of Africa.
Pray for the important APM meeting in Kigali, Rwanda at the end of October 2023.
There will be the election of the leadership and decision about the next steps in APM collaboration. The new member organization will be confirmed there. They are encouraged to choose an unreached people group to start praying for that and to be ready to send also missionaries there. Let us pray that God leads the right targets and provides suitable people there.

Besides continental organizations there are also a need for regional entities involved in Missions. The Central and Eastern Africa Pentecostals have established the UKIAMKA which is serving traditionally the Nordic countries background denominations in Africa. These church organizations have been built on the work of the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish missionaries. In addition to this some other denominations have their networks in Africa like the Church of Pentecost, the Church of God, the International Pentecostal Holiness Church and the International Foursquare Church.
The Purpose
The purpose of APM and the African Pentecostal Mission is to help African Pentecostals to learn from each other, to benefit good practices, to provide training and share information and encouragement in world missions activities, and find the ways for cooperation in mission
Read More about APM
Pray for WAGF Mission congress in Nairobi, Kenya – 2024
Assemblies of God missions have been emphasizing stronger and stronger the need to concentrate efforts to those who have never heard and are often without holy Scriptures. Let us pray for the WAGF Mission congress in Nairobi, Kenya next year. It is co-sponsored by APM.
This large Pentecostal forum connects the vision and efforts of the African Pentecostals, and what is done, and will be done by missions outside Africa.
Let us pray that the congress will become an event of common vision and practical action plans.
Pray for Persecution on the rise:

We see the persecution taking place in many corners of Africa. Remembering Paul’s advice, let us pray that the African nations would find peace and harmony. Although God works also in the difficult times, many things in the practice become more difficult to implement in times of oppression and discrimination.
We need God’s interfere in Eritrea where Pentecostal leaders have been suffering 18 years in prison without seeing their families and church members. We are concerned of all attacks toward believers in Northern, Eastern, Western and in Central Africa.
Pray for New Workers:

The most urgent need are the workers. Let us obey the command of Jesus to pray for more workers into harvest. Africa has a potential for thousands of new workers. That is a challenge to the local churches and training institutions. Every local church and every training institution need to become mission-minded.
Pray for National Mission Departments:
Finally, let us pray for well-functioning mission structures and people working in those. Without proper structures the work of Africa Missions will not last and without the Spirit’s leadership, they will not continue and last. They become only dead monuments.
Pray that every Nation in Africa will endeavor to develop these sending structures so that thousands of missionaries will be sent out effectively and continually.
Dr. Arto Hämäläinen
Chairman of APM
Lead Team members of the WAGF Mission Commision