Is the World’s attention drawn to Turkey for a greater Biblical purpose?
- Pray for the Earthquake Victims.
- News about Christians affected by the earthquake.
- Biblical Significance of Turkey.
- Turkey’s Political, Religious and Spiritual Condition.
- ‘Isaiah 58 Fast’ Opportunity.
- How to Pray for Revival in Turkey.

More than 33,000 people are now known to have been killed and thousands injured by the huge earthquake which struck south-eastern Turkey, near the Syrian border over a week ago. Millions are displaced and have lost homes and left without any hope.
While the world media has been constantly reporting on the escalating number of victims and We seek your prayers for the efforts of brining relief to these desperate people:
- For comfort to those who have lost loved ones and for the Holy Spirit to be present with them.
- For Relief for those injured and suffering from the terrible conditions they are in.
- Bring hope to those who have lost everything to rebuild their lives and families.
- For aid and relief will be sent speedily to areas like Syria where there are many warring factions and obstacles.
- Pray for opportunities for the Global Church and aid organizations to serve these nations.
- God’s purposes for Turkey to be fulfilled amidst this crisis.
News about Christians affected in the Earthquake.

A report from APME – the Romanian Missions in Turkey notes that:
The Turkish Church, although a persecuted minority in this country, organized itself exemplary and sent dozens of representatives to the scene. They immediately activated three mobile canteens from which they distribute hot food and water to the most severely affected.
In the city of Antakya (Antioch)
“Everything is in ruins, the church has collapsed, my house is lost, we have nothing left. People are cold, hungry and have no shelter. There is crying and screaming everywhere. Many are under the collapsed buildings. And help still hasn’t arrived.”
We have information about some Christians who have died, while others are still covered in rubble. Miraculously, Yoel, a 10-year-old boy, was saved, but both parents, Hakan and Pola, a family of church ministers, perished under the rubble. Tens of thousands of families endure a deafening pain in unimaginable living conditions.
And in Syria the situation is extremely difficult, especially since the city of Aleppo has been affected by war for a long time. In Aleppo lives a large community of Christians, marginalized and persecuted for a long time, and they need our help.
The Romanian workers who are in Turkey are ready to send help to the churches in Romania.
See other Churches and ministries working in Turkey below:
Turkey’s Biblical Significance.

The modern country of Turkey is home to approximately 60% of the names of the places mentioned in the Bible.
During the time of Christ and Early Church, modern day Anatolia of Turkey was located in the region of the Roman Empire known as Asia Minor.
- Disciples of Christ was first called Christians in Antioch – the modern day Antakya.
- Saul of Tarsus hailed from the Turkish city located in the modern-day province of Mersin.
- The missionary journeys of Paul and the letters of John are a few of the hallmarks which bind the history of Anatolia to the Bible.
- Some of the first established churches outside Palestine were in Turkey and Epistles of the New Testaments were written to Churches located there.
- All the ‘Seven Churches of Asia’ mentioned in Revelation is in Turkey. (See map below)
- The capital of Eastern Christianity was in Turkey – Constantinople – which is now Istanbul.
- One of the oldest Church buildings, The Hagia Sophia (Church of Wisdom) first built by Constantine in 325 AD and later rebuilt in 532 AD still stands today in Istanbul which is now converted to a mosque.
- All of the first seven Ecumenical Councils which are recognized by both the Western and Eastern churches were held in present-day Turkey.
- The Nicene Creed, which has provided the essential definitions of present-day Christianity was declared at the First Council of Nicaea in 325, which is İznik in Bursa Province, where the Byzantine era church is now converted into Orhan Mosque
- Of the 5 major centers of Christianity in the first 3 centuries, two are in Turkey. Constantinople, (Istanbul) and Antioch. (Others: Rome (Europe), Alexandria (Africa) and Palestine.

Turkey’s Political and geographical significance.
Turkey is a nation which crosses 2 continents: 3% is Europe (Thrace), and 97% is Asia (Anatolia). It has economic links with Europe, cultural links with Central Asia, and sits near conflict areas such as Iraq/Syria, the Balkans, and the Caucasus. Turkey is a secular state, yet to be Turk is to be Muslim! (See Operation World)
Turkey’s Spiritual Condition.
For over 1,000 years, this region was a stronghold of Christianity. The Turks who established the Ottoman Empire over a thousand years ago, converted these areas to Islam and massacred or forced Christians out of these regions. Later it became a center for the spread of Islam.
The Christian population declined from 22% in 1900 to 0.21% in 2010.
Few of today’s 80 million Turkish Muslims have ever truly heard the gospel.
The ancient Churches survived until the beginning of the 20th century, but massacres (Armenians), severe persecutions (Assyrians), and emigration (Greeks) removed most of them from the land. (See Greek Genocide)
Turkish and Kurdish believers probably numbered around 10 in 1960.
This number rose to around 4,000 by 2010. While growth is not as rapid as many hoped for or expected, a sense of consolidation and maturation distinguishes the Church today.
Pray for a reviving work of the Holy Spirit among the 130,000 Christians from these ancient confessions who remain in Turkey of whom the majority are Orthodox, Roman Catholics.
Evangelicals are around 7,000 only, and the Pentecostals probably around a 1,000.

Is there Hope for Turkey? The ‘Isaiah 58 Fast’ Opportunity.
Pray for opportunities for the Global Church to share love and support with the people of Turkey and Syria. The Churches and Christian Organizations must respond in love and compassion for the suffering which is an opportunity for the ‘Isaiah 58 Fast.’
“Is this not the fast that I have chosen: Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Isaiah 58:6-9
The Bible notes that such acts of compassion can result in spiritual breakthrough and opening of hearts. Pray that the humanitarian work done by Christians will result in opening of hearts and doors for God’s love to be poured out to people of Turkey.
“Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Pray for Revival in Turkey and Syria.

Let us pray and reclaim back God’s Glory to Turkey and Syria.
- Let us pray and believe that God can use what is meant for evil for the good of people of Turkey.
Pray for opening of doors for humanitarian work in Earthquake areas and cities.
- Pray for restoration of vibrant Churches in the midst of the Cities of Turkey as God did in the first Century
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia Rev. 1: 17
- Let us believe for many more modern day ‘Sauls of Tarsus’ to be raised again in Turkey.
- For open doors in Turkey for many Missionary Journeys to happen in 21st Century as it happened in the 1st century.
- Pray that from Turkey was where the Disciples were first Called Christians many Turkish disciples and Churches will be birthed.
- Pray for the existing Churches in Turkey that Jesus Christ is still standing in the midst of them.
“and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man… His eyes like a flame of fire… He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword. (Rev. 1:13-17)
- For more information:
- Kurtles Churches of Turkey
- Evangelical Church in Turkey
- SAT 7 Report on Turkey
- Video on History of Christianity in Turkey.
- Biblical Sites of Turkey.
- APME Missions.
- The Operation World.
- APME Romania.
- CBS News.
- NY Times.
- Stella