We conclude the 15 Days of Prayer for Hindu World with the final segment this week.
Thank you for joining with us in praying for the Hindu World.

We Thank ’15 Days of Prayer for Hindu World’ for the valuable resources they have provided for this prayer focus.
Reference: People & their beliefs by Global University
Belief of Hinduism:
– Hindus believe God, the Brahman is eternal Supreme being yet he is impersonal even though they Worship many forms of incarnations of god i.e. Avatars of Vishnu, Shiva etc.
Bridge to Faith:
– Hindus believe that God the supreme being is impersonal. But the Jehovah, the God of Bible is a personal God and desires to make personal relationship. He revealed Himself in human form as Jesus. He was the God’s only Avatar, the God man, who brings man to God.
John 1:14, 1Tim 2:5, Hebrews 4:15
2. Karma:
Belief of Hinduism:
– Human destiny is fixed by the law of action and Reaction, until release (Moksha) into absolute is achieved.
Bridge to Faith:
– Both nature and logic upholds the law of sowing and reaping. Man’s nature is evil (ignorance), even though he does good Karma, his bad karma ties him in the never ending cycle Samsara. Word of God says that his sins can be forgiven, he can be Freed from the bondage of sin and rest for the soul.
Matt 11:28, John 3:16
3. Salvation:
Belief of Hinduism:
– Salvation comes in 3 ways, the way of knowledge (Unity with Brahman), the way of devotion (to a deity) And way of works (following rituals & ceremonies)
Bridge to Faith:
– If salvation is release from the endless cycle of Rebirth, then fear of not gaining good Karma is always present in them. So to drive out this fear, they chant, carry charms, follow endless rituals to please their deities. They practice Trances, body beating, fire walking, body piercing with hooks and needles. The answer to the Hindus are that good works cannot save A person but having faith in Jesus Christ who bore all the Sins of the world will give them the salvation.
Paul says, “What a wretched man I am, who rescue me from the body of death? Thanks to be God – through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom 7:24 -25
4. Festivals & Rituals:
Belief of Hinduism:
– They believe that taking Holy Dips in the river Ganges every year, will take away their bad karmas or sin.
Bridge to Faith:
– Taking baptism in the name of Jesus once for all gives assurance that you are saved and all your sins are forgiven by Eternal God.
Belief of Hinduism:
– They celebrate the festivals in remembrance of their avatars getting victory over evil giants. Ex: Dusshera,– Ram getting victory over evil Ravan, Diwali – festival of Lights – light gets victory over darkness etc.
Bridge to Faith:
– Christ won over Satan on the cross, and He was the only Son of God, avatar. He is the true light which drives away the darkness in every soul.
5. Caste:
Belief of Hinduism:
– According to their Manu Smriti Scripture, man is categorized into four castes: Brahmin (Upper Caste), Shatriyas (Middle Caste) Vaishyas (Middle Caste) Sudras (Lower Caste). A man born in lower caste is untouchable and used to do the scavenging works. He cannot change his caste by any means.
Bridge to Faith:
– Before God there is neither Jew, nor Gentile, neither man nor woman, neither rich nor poor, neither free nor slave. This is the type of fellowship even in the Church where all are equal.
6. Astrology & Fatalism:
Belief of Hinduism:
– According to the Hindus, their fates are determined by the stars & planets. They cannot change their predicaments but endure it. Hence suicide tendency is very high among them as they could not come out of their messy life.
Bridge to Faith:
– Nothing is impossible by God. God can give a new start and a new beginning. He can make a way where there seems to no way.