2. Prayer Updates from Ukraine!

a. 9000 Unexploded Bombs, Shells and Missiles due to Answered Prayer.
We received these reports from Rauli Lehtonen who monitors the situation in Europe.
“A Ukrainian military expert stated during a news conference two days ago that 9 000 of different calibre, type and range artillery shells and rockets did not explode when reached the goal! 400 of them – aviation bombs! Most people when learning it, state undoubtedly – it is God!
“For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling, He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon the rock” (Ps.27.5)
Dear friends, your faithfulness in prayer made it possible! Thank you all very much!
Thank you for your continued prayer for Ukraine and Russia as reported above, there has been supernatural protection for the people of Ukraine and they give God the glory for this. The war has entered a crucial stage in the east of Ukraine where they are expecting some key battles and we earnestly seek your prayer.
Click Here to read more on Rauli Lehtonen’s Blog.
b. Pray for Arrested Christian Leaders in Belarus.

Belarus which is aligned with Russia in the Ukraine war reports that” “There are a lot of arrests, home searches, trials, prisons – without any real interruption. Yesterday, the fateful, the unexpected, the terrible reached our brother, Vitaly Chichmarev was arrested. A Christian musician, and pastor of the parish Svjet Nadjezhdu (Light of Hope). Many know him personally as a kind, proper, lovable, talented person.
His whereabouts are unknown.”
He worked as an engineer at one of the companies in Minsk. From 2020, he was active in the trade union movement to, among other things, work for honest and fair elections in the country. He also fought for good working conditions at his workplace.
Today, it is not known where he is, or why he was arrested. I want you to pray for Vitaly and his family. Thousands of appeals have been made about this via social media.
Read more about the above stories and Vitaly’s details and listen to his inspiring music in Rauli Lehtonen’s Blog. Click Here.
Sources: Operation World, Rauli Lehtonen.