1. Ukraine’s Fields of Blood.
The news from the Ukraine war in the past weeks highlighted gruesome events involving civilian killings including innocent children, women and the elderly in ‘Fields of Blood’ like Marioupaul, Bucha, Kharkiv, and other cities. While it causes great pain and compassion for those victims, at the same time anger, vengefulness and demand for justice arise in our hearts to question:
- Will there be justice for the innocent bloodshed?
- How does God view this to bring about speedy justice for them?
- How can we respond in Intercession to such situations?
As we approach Easter Week, we also read of another ‘Field of Blood‘ which can bring a solution to the killing fields of Ukraine. Click here to Read On:
2. Ramadan and Easter – Is there a connection between the two?
It is not a coincidence that Easter comes in the middle of Ramadan Prayer this year.
Christians cannot celebrate Easter without realizing that Jesus shed His Blood also for nearly 2 Billion Moslem people in the world who are the least-reached people on the planet earth.
- Is there a connection between what Moslems Pray for in Ramadan and what Christians Celebrate at Easter?
- How can the Intercessors pray this Easter for the Moslem people in the World?