State of the World – Part 3 – Jesus Evaluates the World through His Mission.

If Jesus’ Mission on earth to save humanity was exclusively confined to His Passion and the Sacrifice on the Cross, then it lasted only a few hours – from the betrayal kiss in Gethsemane around midnight to his suffering and death on the Cross at 3 pm on the following day – which is around 15 hours.
Was there more involved in His Mission than this?
Find out More in this Prayer Circular:
- What is the Best Method of World Evangelization?
- What is the True Measure of a Church?
- Why Do people go to Hell? ‘Do they ‘go’ are they ‘sent’?
- Pandemic or Pan-Evangelism? Quarantine VS Spike?
- Christ Evaluates the World through His Incarnational Mission.
- 3 Key Aspects of the Incarnational Mission.
A Special Prayer Request:
Please Pray for the WAGF Missions Commission Meeting this Week on February 21-23 where Mission Leaders are gathering to pray, plan and strategize for the future Vision of the Commission.
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